Think about where you spend the most time. Is it your office? Your bedroom? Your kitchen? Regardless of which of these places you find yourself in the most they all have one thing in common. They are inside. You are surrounded by walls, items, and furniture. According to the E.P.A. the average American spends 87% of their time indoors with 69% of that time in their home and another 18% percent elsewhere? (much of it likely at work or school). So seeing that the average person spends almost 90% of their time inside, the idea of spending that time in a beautiful space seems all that more pertinent. Interior design seems less like something for artist types and more like something that should be embraced by the average Joe when you look at it in those terms. I encourage anyone who is curious to learn a little bit about the different styles, there are many that may suit you. The best option is really getting your feet wet and then developing a unique style all your own because like art, the beauty of an interior space is subjective. Here is a link to the top 100 interior design blogs. Just about each blog takes a unique approach to interiors that may suit you. Soon I will be discussing my own style of interior design and how my tastes have evolved over the years so stay tuned.
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